Nitza Spiro Hebrew Studies

Registered Charity No 1070926

Book of Proverbs, chapter 27 verse 2 ( try to read it from its source)

“יהללך זר ולא פיך!”

“Let another praise you rather than your own mouth!” Proverbs, chapter 27, vs. 2

Feedback like this from Spiro Ark students makes it all worthwhile:

I’ve grown frustrated over the last few years that my hebrew speaking and writing abilities are very poor.  I finally decided to do something about it in October 2018 when I enrolled for my first term at the Spiro Ark ulpan.  The course, taught by the incredibly talented and multifaceted Nitza, was a revelation.  From going to the first lesson as a very unsure and non-confident person I am now in my third term and I can see that my abilities have grown leaps and bounds.  Nitza makes the lessons fun and informative and has such original ways to make you remember the material.  It’s also become a family activity and a way my kids can see that just as they have to study for their exams their mother has to study too!  (It’s great for learning with my son doing GCSE hebrew).  I can’t recommend Spiro Ark enough.  You are sure to gain by immersing yourself in Nitza’s lessons.  I certainly have.  I have so much gratitude to Nitza for giving my brain a workout and making hebrew really come alive.
