Shalom Nitza,
Warm greetings from Bhutan! I've arrived at my village and met the faculty at my school. Tomorrow school starts and I will meet the three classes I will be teaching English literature to. Very exciting! The country is incredibly beautiful and people are extremely friendly and very generous. I am living in a small village in a beautiful river valley. Unfortunately, there is no internet there so I am writing from a cafe in the nearest town, which is about 1 1/2 hours drive away.
I hope everyone at Spiroark is doing well and making progress in their Hebrew. I hope to keep up what I've learnt but at present I need to devote my energy to learning some Dzongkah, the Bhutanese national language.
Warm regards from Bhutan & l'hitra'ot,
ps: I have attached two pictures of the valley I live in plus one of me in local dress